Raw Icelandic fleeces. These fleeces have been skirted, weighed and measured but have not been washed. Feel free to contact us if you would like to be on our email list for available fleeces or if you would like a sample of this magnificent fiber. Each fleece has it's own unique characteristic!
Lilly's fleece (above) was awarded 2nd place, in the white colored duel coat category, at Fryeburg Fair 2016. At Maine's Fiber Frolic 2016,Ledge Hill Farm placed 3rd in the colored dual coat category with Celia's fleece. While Barbara and Lilly's wool won 1st and 2nd place.
Pictured below is a goal that I have been working on since I jumped into the shepherding world. From raising these beautiful sheep, to shearing/cleaning the fleece, learning how to spin the fiber and knit the pattern, to finally wearing my accomplishment! Pictured below is Pearl and her two lambs with her fleece that I turned into my own handspun yarn.
Ledge Hill Farm Buckfield, Maine John and Cassie Petrocelli 207-740-5110 ledgehillgirl@gmail.com All rights reserved on Ledge Hill Farm photography